Record Books
Putting your Chaves County Record Book Together
- Step-by-Step Instructions
Follow this one page of instructions step-by-step to complete your Record Book. Also, don't forget your Record Book Dividers which are available below the forms.
- Part 1 & 2 Video
Cover, Awards Area Sheet, Dividers, & Chaves County Report Form
- Part 3 Video
My 4-H Story & Photos
- Part 4 Video
Project Record Forms & Project Photos
Chaves County 4-H Record Book Forms
- Awards Area Sheet
This page is used to mark which project record sheets are included in your Record Book and what awards you are applying for. Tape the form to the inside cover of the green 4-H Record Book cover.
- Chaves County Report Form (Word)
The Chaves County Report Form is where you list all your leadership, community service, and public speaking activities you participated in throughout the 4-H year. Use this word document to type and print your report.
- Chaves County Report Form (PDF)
OR print the PDF version and hand write your report.
- My 4-H Story (Word)
Your 4-H story tells about your experience in 4-H over the past year including club meetings, community service, projects, and any other activities you participated in throughout the year. Check out the "How to write a 4-H Story" to get you started. Use this word document to type and print your story.
- My 4-H Story (PDF)
OR use this PDF to print and hand write your story.
- Link to Project Record Forms
Follow the link takes you to the NMSU site with project Record Forms. The first link is a tip sheet to help fill out the record forms and then the remaining links are for the Food, General, Livestock/Animal, and Self-Determined Record Forms. Shooting Sports projects also have specific forms listed at this link.
Record Book Dividers
- Green 4-H Clover Border Dividers
Fillable form
- Black & White 4-H Clover Dividers
Fillable form
Record Book Scholarship Applications
- I Dare You Leadership Award Application
To be filled out and submitted by an Organizational Leader.
If you are having trouble with the files, please contact the Extension Office at 575-622-3210!
Cloverbud Record Book Forms

If you are having trouble opening a document, please contact the Extension Office. If you would prefer, come by and pick up a hardcopy set from the office. The .PDF documents are Adobe Acrobat files, so you will need Adobe reader which can be downloaded free from